Here are some interesting links which would interest every bookworm worth his/her salt.
What was that word again?
Word SpyYou know all those I'm-so-cool words that suddenly come into vogue with the with-it corpo crowd? That get bandied about by the young B-school grads with the power ties? This site is a good place to figure out what the heck they're saying. Seriously, though (and before my MBA friends put a fatwa out on me), the site is a fascinating repository of what's new and happening. It calls what it does “lexpionage,” or the sleuthing of new words and phrases. And the words it chooses aren't the made-up variety of doubtful provenance that descend into your inbox with monotonous regularity. Word Spy includes detailed citations of each entry.
Click to find
Bartleby.comThis is what the net was supposed to be: free information across borders.
This site is one of many (we'll cover some more in future columns) that give you online versions of books, absolutely free. Bartleby is best known for the invaluable set of reference books it offers. (A small sampler: Roget's Thesaurus, Fowler's King's English, Strunk and White's Elements of Style, World's Orations, Oxford Shakespeare, Gray's Anatomy, World Factbook, Oxford English Verse, the Bhagavad Gita, the King James Bible, and much more.) But it also has sections on non-fiction, fiction, and poetry.
Worth a virtual bookmark, hmm?
The Power of One
One WordFeeling a little blocked? Need that challenge to get the synapses moving? One Word might help. The site gives you sixty seconds to write whatever come to mind based on the one-word cue you are given when you hit the “Go” button. “it is not about learning new words.” the site says, “nor is it about defining words. the real purpose of this exercise is to alleviate our natural tendency to edit everything—and learn to flow.”
Ex Libris
BookMoochYou know how some people (and you know who you are) borrow books and never return them? Well, this site makes it all official. It works simply: you register for free, and list the books you want to give away. And you can check out what others have to offer, and mooch their stuff. You gain points each time you list a book, send one off (postage is your only expense) or acknowledge receipt of one, and you use them each time you receive a book. Go see. And, er, by the way, you can save yourself the bother of registering and just send your books to me…).
Don't read this
Forbidden LibraryTake a look at the date on top of this page. It's 2005, yes? You wouldn't think it from the way, even now, we have self-appointed custodians of culture that exists only in their narrow minds wanting to decide for us what we shouldn't wear (hide those legs, girls), whether we can send roses on February 14th, and yes, what we shouldn't read. This site has neatly sorted lists of books that have been banned or challenged over the years, telling you why they were considered bad for the innocent public. A fascinating and scary view of narrow minds through the ages.
[Info credit:]
So all your wordsmiths out there who worship the printed word..go ahead and bookmark these pages. They'll come handy on days when life stalls in neutral :)