Sunday, August 12, 2007

Happy B'day 2 Me...

The passing of each birthday seems to me like someone's nailing an "Adulthood" signage in front of me. Now one is unable to easily get away with errant behaviours, careless attitudes and bizzare interests. However today, with people waiting longer to marry, stay in school longer, gleefully still depend on parents, divorce early and become a "young single" again, I feel I have just entered a period of prolonged adolescence. An adolescence with more emphasis on being responsible, acheiving a new maturity level and also what signals a whole lot of self-imposed and societal expectations. :(

But life's been one fantastic ride till now and when I look back, I like what I see (except, wish I could have my dad back). And its quite fascinating to think what the future might hold... (More yummier cakes in the least..)

Here is a message I received from one of my friends...and needless to say I loved it!

This will be your year. This will be your year...
This will be the year you love as deeply and laugh as often as you can.
This will be the year you do at least one thing you always dreamed you'd do.
This will be the year you come closer than ever before to perfecting this art called living.
This will be your year.


Shrinidhi Hande said...

Birthday wishes to you

Shree said...

Many more such birthdays may you celebrate and ponder over life so beautifully..:)

Shree said...

Many more such birthdays may you celebrate and ponder over life so beautifully..:)

Whiterays said...

Thank you for your wishes :)