Monday, October 01, 2007

Lola Kutty And Boney Menon

Lola Kutty and Boney Menon Party!

Simply love them. Was rummaging through my files and found this video and wanted to share it with all. It turned out to be a huge file but I luckily found the link to this video on Youtube. Enjoy maadi.


Fark said...

ABSOLUTELY kick-a$$ stuff !

Moments that just stand out:

1. Alex's (Alll-ex) jigna shirt and moves - the dude can really shake a leg.

1a. Lola's moves - the girl really can get jiggy with it. I've got a huge crush on her! :)

2. Uncle menon's "she's crazy like a fool" bit - gave me chills.

3. Best song : Ma baker , Class all the way.

4. The hubby trying to hold his wife's hand in the audience , and gets slapped.

Thank you for posting that!!! I'm at:

Shrinidhi Hande said...

Sometime back you'd given link to 2 of your stories...I'd taken printout of those stories that time and read it only 2 days back..

Couldn't find that post hence commenting here.

Good stories.

Fark said...


Long time no post! What's up? Work rats keeping you busy ? :-)

Whiterays said...

@Shrinidhi: Thanks for your feedback.

@Fark:..The viral had me down..limiping to normalcy. :)

Agn! Sharman said...

Will The Real LOLA KUTTY please stand up!

LOLA KUTTY TV is one of the few shows I keep stumbling upon when I surf channels with our 3 months old 28th TV remote controller in 5 years.

Also a reason why I still keep paying for TATA SKY subscription (huh! you believed it?)