Friday, July 31, 2009

Quirky Me!

The other day I was pondering over the vagaries of life, as my lil son snuggled next to me for his morning nap. My trail of thoughts (its usually a long trail) took me on a self-discovery trip and I realized that I am quite quirky by nature. Now, now every man has his own share of quirks & twists, its just that the sudden realization of them made me quite unnerved. Is it like am afflicted with something or are there more like me out there?

Well here am adventourously compiling a few -

#1 I Count - I mean, when I am in a room I sub-consciously count. It could be the number of rings on the curtain rod or the number of door panels or the squares in the carpet design. I don't know why I do it but I simply like to keep a count.

#2 Creaseless Bedspread - I necessarily require the bedspread stretched and lengthend to its limit. Always. I hate to see a crumpled bedsheet or a bunch of dirty clothes on them. Hubby dearest by now knows the twitching of my eyebrow and would never leave a stray towel on our bed :D

#3 I doodle - I don't need a pen, pencil or paper....i find some pattern interesting & my finger tries tracing it out even on a desk that's in front of me.

#4 Newspapers - By now you would have got the hang of it. Yes I hate to see newspaper's strewn carelessly nor the centre page lying apart. Before I can stop myself the newspapers are all turned to the right page and neatly folded like it was just delivered :))

#5 Useless Abbreviations - It irks me no end to see people (esp senior ones) using unwanted abbreviations in sms or in mails. I completely abhor when people send messages like: "Cn U Cum 2day?" Well, its not that I never use short forms but for goodness sake if you can type "cum" so can you type "come" too.

Well I did discover a lot more things about me but I dont want to make myself appear like I am some looney-out-on-the-loose (if I haven't already managed to give that impression). Ta-ta!


Mihir said...

LOL! I can relate with few of them very easily :-)

I also have some similar habits..

I see these buildings on the road and sometimes I make imaginary shapes by joining their edges through invisible lines...

When I walk, I try to land my foot right inside the center of a tile and not where two tiles join.. Sometimes I close my eyes and walk to see if my fifth or tenth step lands at the center or not :-)

Sometimes I try to mimic the way a horse moves on a chess board.. yeah I walk two and half steps by considering one tile as one square :-) I see if I can reach from one end to another by walking like a horse :D

Good you wrote this post! This is such a unique topic :D


Random Nothings!! said...

I share the first 4,,

Whiterays said...

@Mihir: Interesting...imaginary shapes from buildings eh? :))

@ThornBird: Nice to know am not alone. :)
One of my friends called me to say the last one is more of an 'irk' than a 'quirk'. Well maybe I got to better classify my irks & quirks.