Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Top 10 Sites for the Marketing Enthusiast

Everybody worth their salt are discussing what's in and what's not. Here is my personal list of  top social websites; tools  that are a must-know, must-visit for every marketing professional. Not in any order of preference.

#1 Twitter: Much has been written and said about the power of a tweet. Everything still falls short of what it can do for a brand. Lurk around even if you don't get too many followers.

#2 Linkedin - I am not yet a part of Linkedin and I have my own personal reason for it. However, it has its share of loyalist who swear by it. See you there shortly.

#3 Pinterest - The latest toy in the market. Keeps your interest

#4 Facebook - Learn to keep your professional and personal prirorites apart and it will work for you.

#5 - A knowledgebase for entrepreneurs and the startup/geeky community, it says. Get to meet the likeminded.

#6 Scrible - Online annotation tool. Every helpful for those aggregating and researching online content.

#7 Storify - Let lose the journalist in you. Neat tool to collate and curate content from other social media sites and present the story in your own way. One can also explore Storyfull.

#8 Mashable; Wired - My mornings are incomplete without paying a customary visit to these sites.

#9 Wordpress; Blogspot - You can like them, write them or even ignore them but you surely cannot abondon them.

#10. Youtube - Would the internet be the same without Youtube? Possibly not.

There are a host of others Ryze, Flickr, Foursquare, Slideshare, Prezi etc. Each with its own unique business proposition and its own set of audience. Check them out and share what works for you.

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