Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I am happy and I want you to believe that

If your happy and you know it, post an update
If your happy and you know it, share a pic
If your happy and you know it...

These days people actually have so little to say and so many ways (read media) to say it. My timeline in  twitter talks of what one had for his breakfast, who bought the best brand of vinegar or when they plan to cross the road. There are yet others, who for the want of a few 'Likes' and flowery comments are ready to bare it on FB for all and sundry.

Maybe its the inherent human need to be appreciated but it hardly stops there. From there stems the need to be looked up to and maybe that's why one comes across pompous status updates where they claim to eternally live-in paradise or have professionaly reached the pinnacle! Sure. Smirk. smirk.

In the constant need for validation and reassurances, I wonder if they are even living the moment fully. The parties that one attend, the scumptuous food one eats in fancy restaurants, the dresses one shops for are all updated for the benefit of the rest of the world. All in a bid to show a happy and successful face to the world.

I have to say it once again though - nothing meaningful to share and yet so many means to do that. And this is one of my classic excuses for not being able to blog more regularly. ;)

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