Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I Can Make You Thin - Paul McKenna

Diets & Weight loss are,like the weather, topics that can easily bond people together. Weight Loss Programs are almost on every girl's mind - if she is fat she is desparately trying to get slimmer and if she is thin she would be fighting hard to remain so. And just for the record there are no girls who are absolutely happy with the way they are. The world of dieticians are well aware of this weakness and
have milked it dry with all possible kinds of diets.

Listed here some of the famous ones -

- Slim Fast
- Cabbage Soup Diet
- Banana Diet
- Kellog's Diet
- Rosemary Conley's Diet
- The Atkin's Diet
- Yeast-free Diet
- Fat-Burning Foods Diet
- Starve-and-get-thin-Diet
- Get-Bulimic-diet
- The Instant Abs Eating Plan Diet

and so on and so forth. Well if this was just about another diet, I wouldn't have written it here. So what is it new that Paul Mckenna has to offer? Lets start from the start.
Paul Mckenna is a British hypnotist, Author and Television Personality. He has authored several best sellers such as - "Change your life in 7 days"; "Instant Confidence"; "Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight"; "How to mend your broken heart" etc.

In "I Can Make You Thin" he describes "The easy way to lose weight and stay slim".

His philosophy in a nutshell -

Rule number 1: Eat when you're HUNGRY
Rule number 2: Eat what you WANT
Rule number 3: Eat CONSCIOUSLY
Rule number 4: "STOP" when you are full.

All these years the conditioning has been - "exercise more and consume fewer calories" but here comes Mckenna and says "listen to your body needs and eat what you want but know when to stop!". Sounds simple and common sense to me, something my mother has been saying all these years.

I guess this book will work wonders for emotional eaters, comfort eaters and for those who have cravings for "special foods" like chocolates or icecreams.

1 comment:

andrea said...

Fueun gran descubrimiento encontrarlo en la television por cable...Me gustaria saber como accedo al metodo en castellano, ya que mi ingles es basico...
Tengo 20 kilos de sobrepeso y como 20 aƱos encima...Necesito sacarmelos pronto...Me interesa que me conteste. Le agradezco muchisimo...