Friday, June 22, 2007

What Happens After Death?

Losing someone close to you is a painful experience that can't be put into words. Nobody can ever be prepared however much one knows that death is the final verdict.

When death of someone you cherish is announced, the first few moments are of complete shock and denial. Its very difficult to comprehend or even accept the fact. And then untold agony descends. For me, it was like my world was slowly ceasing to exist. Had anyone asked for a limb I would have giving it away without a second thought. No pain ever seemed bigger than what i was going through. By about the end of a day or two of crying your heart out the mind slowly starts to accept that you shall never see or hear the person again and the agony only increases further if thats possible.

The death of my father has been my first closest encounter with the funeral rites, ceremonies and obsequies associated as per the Hindu Brahmin tradition. I can't say I remember much of the first day ceremonies as I walking around zombie-like, just doing what was being told to me. However I distinctly remember the 10th and 13th day ceremonies where the priest cared to explained what was being done and the significance attached to each vedic rite. Though I am generally of a scientific bent, I must say his words and the vedas recited instilled a strong sense of belief in the ceremonial rituals.

These days my thoughts surround the mystery that surrounds death and if there exists any kind of life after that. What could possibly happen after death? Does it involve some kind of journey to another destination, as the priests told? or Do they just move on to another plane in earht, in forms that is invisible to mankind?

While I am a staunch believer in Karma and rebirth am intrigued to know what the process might be like. Death maybe just an end of the physical form but surely it can't mean the end of any thinking individual.

1 comment:

aarveeyem said...

hai swetha, pl do pray for your appa and his soul to be reincarnated if needed. birth and rebirth are interconnected and related with our karmic characteristic.pray for the moksha