Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How Well Do You Know Your Potter?

Here is a set of questions for all Potter fans worth their salt. Enjoy maadi

#1 Of what use was Albus Dumbledore's silver cigarette lighter- the Put-Outer?

#2 With whom does Nymphadora Tonks fall in love with?

#3 Who headed Hogwarts before Albus Dumblebore?

#4 What is the family owl of Weasleys called?

#5 What is the Wronski Feint tactic?

#6 Where does Narcissa Malfoy take Draco to shop for robes, when she finds that Hermione also shops at Madam Malkin’s?

#7 What or Who is Ripper?

#8 How does one tame the book that bites?

#9 Who is the other unregistered Animagus apart from Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail?

#10 Who said this? – "Never trust anything that can think for itself, if you can't see where it keeps its brain."

If you have answered them all then it would surely be fun to speculate with you on Dumbledore's "Gleam of Triumph" or the strange connection between Crookshanks and Sirius or what was it that Snape had done on Dumbledores orders, the night that Voldemort had returned?


Anonymous said...

Hi. I haven't had a chance to read the books but have watched the movies and would love to talk to anyone who is a fan of the series.


Whiterays said...

I would say hit the books right away.

Anonymous said...

To put out the street lights..he uses it in HP - PS

#2 With whom does Nymphadora Tonks fall in love with?
Remus Lupin

#3 Who headed Hogwarts before Albus Dumblebore?
Not sure

#4 What is the family owl of Weasleys called?

#5 What is the Wronski Feint tactic?

#6 Where does Narcissa Malfoy take Draco to shop for robes, when she finds that Hermione also shops at Madam Malkin’s?

#7 What or Who is Ripper?

#8 How does one tame the book that bites?
By standing on it ??? that is what Harry did !
#9 Who is the other unregistered Animagus apart from Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail?
Rita Skeeter
#10 Who said this? – "Never trust anything that can think for itself, if you can't see where it keeps its brain."

I know i didnt get all right,can i still have the discussion with U :-) ?

Whiterays said...

Anon, you have done fine..

Here are the answers:

#1 To put out street lights.
#2 Remus Lupin
#3 Professor Dippet
#4 Errol
#5 Quidditch Tactic: where a Seeker pretends to spot the Snitch far below and races to catch it, hoping the opposing seeker will copy. At the last minute before reaching the ground, the feinting seeker pulls out of a dive, usually causing the opposing seeker to crash. The Wronski Feint was invented by Polish Seeker Josef Wronski and frequently used by famed Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum
#6 Twilfitt and Tatting's
#7 Ripper is Aunt Marge's Dog
#8 Run a finger down the spine of the book
#9 Rita Skeeter, She turns into a beetle
#10 Arthur Weasley