Thursday, July 19, 2007

Polar Bears and Business Intelligence

A wildlife organization has launched a project that combines business intelligence software and ancient tracking techniques of the Inuit people to study polar bear footprints. The organization's goal is to document a declining polar bear population, considered by environmentalists to be a sign of global warming.
More on that over here

So Is The Threat of Global Warming for Real?

Notwithstanding the hoopla over the Global Warming threat that supposedly looms large in front of us, there are few voices with a little more than plain skepticism to counter this theory.

We have heard a lot of the '8 years to apocalypse' lets hear the other side who are crying this who issue as hogwash.

And this is what they are saying -

- The notion of 'man made' global warming is absolute unequivocal myth, led by agendas, lies and media propaganda...says Channel 4, UK in its documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle

- Sir Nicholas Stern report on the economics of climate change is "Completely divorced from scientific reality" says Prof.Richard Lindzen in a DailyMail article.
He says, "He (Stern) is guilty of misreading the data, of distorting the evidence to suit his political masters' dogma, of throwing numbers about with reckless abandon, of promoting alarmism in place of rational discussion, and of reinventing climate history"

- According to a host of historical accounts, Europe was far warmer in the Middle Ages than it is today, or that the 17th century was much colder, prompting what was known as 'The Little Ice Age', when the Thames was often frozen over for months at a time.

- Stern also refers to 'significant melting of and an acceleration of ice floes' near the coast of Greenland because of global warming.
Several reputable scientific studies have shown that the mass of the Greenland ice sheet is actually expanding, while Stern also fails to note that the temperature of Greenland is now lower than it was in 1940 and little changed from the first measurements in the 1780s.

- Environmentalists are fond of jerking heartstrings with pictures of polar bears struggling on supposedly melting icebergs, but it is estimated that there are now 22,000 polar bears compared with 5,000 in 1940.

To quote him again -

"What is so tragic is the way that this dubious ideology has achieved such dominance in our public life.
Politicians love the green agenda, of course, because it means more control, more regulation, more taxes, more summits, and more opportunities for displays of self-important zeal.
The tragedy is that the likes of Sir Nicholas Stern are using bogus science to push forward this agenda."

- Richard Lindzen is Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * Source

My 2 cents:
Are there political units of power & control being formed which transcend national boundaries, who are unelected and undemocratic, and who might hold nations (and their people) to further their own specific agenda?

Well, I dont know. It could well be a possiblityOr, is this a smoke screen created by US and other countries who have refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol since Kyoto can be ”devastating” to economic growth, because limiting emissions means limiting energy consumption, economic activity and technological progress

I’m not saying either of them is right. What I can say is that neither side could possibly know the real truth

I am reminded of the bumper sticker that says, "If you don't believe in HELL, you'd better be right" Just substitute "Global Warming" for "Hell."

Even if climate change isn’t an issue, acting on it will atleast solve other problems. By not acting on it, aren’t we taking quite a risk?

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